
The distribution of electronic components is a service; and both customers and manufacturers require a distributor to offer quality products on the one hand, and the ability to develop the sales network on the other hand, and for both, a service that optimizes the work of all involved parties.

When a company orders one of our products, not only needs a specific component, but also a complete service, which helps to bring projects alive, in practice. In the same way, a manufacturer who offers us to distribute its components, is expecting that we are able to deal with its products from a commercial and technical point of view, but also to find opportunities to extend its customer base.

Years of experience in this field have taught us what do companies relying on us really need, and that's why our distribution service is extremely customized and built on consultancy. This basically means three things:

Technical support in choosing the most suitable product for each project

The variety of electronic components available on the market is endless and even those who use them on a daily basis, cannot be constantly updated on all the news and variations of each component. For this reason we bring our expertise, in-depth knowledge of the sector and the innovations suggested by producers, to select the most appropriate product to fully meet the specifications of each project, always updated to the newest developments.

Product customization

It is common for the market to offer a component whose performances are perfectly suited to the needs of a project but whose size or connection’s arrangement or other details, do not allow its inclusion in the design. In these cases, a customization of the electronic component is needed; our relationship with the producers allows us to ask for specific modifications to their standard components, so that we can offer our customers an article - at a reasonable price - almost tailored to their needs and, at the same time, simplify the supplier’s procedure to develop new components.

Interface between customers and manufacturers

To deal directly with a manufacturer of electronic components is not always an ideal situation for a customer; and at the same time, the average manufacturer is not always equipped to operate at best with customers of all types and sizes. The needs of the two parties often seem to be in contrast, with the large manufacturer that wants simplicity and adherence to standards - and that necessarily has more dilated operational times - and the customer who instead seeks more customized service and quick reactions. Dralmi regularly acts as an interface between customers and producers, receiving and understanding the requests of both parties and making them fit in the best way for everyone.

Dralmi regularly acts as an interface between customers and producers, receiving and understanding the requests of both parties and making them fit in the best way for everyone.

Trust on a company that can offer you not only high quality products, but the experience to truly simplify your work. To contact us.

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